Poetry Poetry
Poem Poem Poetry
Poetry Poem Poem
No concern that one will be misinterpreted or used for evil purposes, poetry is the feeling that is called poetry, as a beauty pageant queen is the feeling of the contest that made her queen.
The feeling can be put into words, which is always encouraging for a writer.
The written word is to poetry what the bouquet of roses is to the beauty queen.
Like Kant (that Kant) I work best in public, either writing or talking, in a cafe setting, which in this time is represented not by the fussy life-style spaces coffee shops have become, but by the dive bar, where humanity circulates in an unvarnished state. I write best with background movement and noise. I think better, and speak more intelligently, when in company I cannot account for. I like people as they are, without filters or preconditions, because when I write I hope to put on paper unfiltered feelings, ideas, images, and such constructions or works as we call poetry.
Poetry. What is it? I am sorry to say, it is what gets done today and what, once accomplished, prompts refusals and good mistakes.